Two students work on the hoist challenge.

Students from Grant-Deuel School in Revillo, South Dakota, learned the intricacies involved in engineering a hoist lift while on a recent field trip to Sanford Lab.

Photo by: Matthew Kapust

Not your average field trip

Field trips to Sanford Lab provide unique experience for South Dakota K-12 Students.

Hands-on fun helps students learn while attending field trips to the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead. From experimenting with magnets to building model hoist lifts, Sanford Lab’s Education and Outreach team uses a wide variety of exercises to engage the students who visit.

Field trips should be educational as well as entertaining, said Peggy Norris, deputy director for E&O at Sanford Lab. “It’s a great way to show kids the science happening in their own backyard,” said Norris.

One of the world’s premiere underground research facilities, Sanford Lab is a unique place to host students and provide an educational experience. Knowing that scientists are performing groundbreaking experiments nearly a mile below their feet makes for an exciting environment in which to learn.

Sanford Lab hosts approximately 20 field trips per year for classes K-12. Some schools travel from as far as Chamberlain to experience the unique opportunity Sanford Lab offers those interested in a day of science discovery. Since 2015, more than 700 children from across South Dakota have participated in field trips at Sanford Lab.

“Participating in field trips at Sanford Lab sparks students’ interest in science and other STEM fields,” said Mike Headley, executive director at Sanford Lab. “We always enjoy hosting them and seeing their excitement.”

Educators choose the focus of their field trip. Options range from geology to astronomy to engineering to biology and other science-related themes developed for grade-specific activities.