Star Stuff Art Contest

The Sanford Underground Research Facility and the Lead Deadwood Arts Center are sponsoring “Star Stuff,” an art contest for all area students grades 3-12. Students are invited to enter by creating an art piece relating to the universe and all the star stuff in it. The art can be drawings, watercolors, paintings, sculptures, etc. no smaller than 8x10 and no larger than 16x20. Deadline to enter is July 1, 2016. Categories are Grades 3-5; Grades 6-8, and Grades 9-12, with awards and prizes for the top three entries in each category. All artwork will be on display at the Lead Deadwood Arts Center during Neutrino Days on July 8 & 9, 2016. For a contest rules and a registration form, please go to or call the Lead Deadwood Arts Center at 584-1461. For information on Neutrino Days, please go to