Gina Gibson on Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) Artist-in-Residence Program: Five Years of SURF(ing) AiR

Gina Gibson will present on the SURF AiR at the Matthews Opera House & Art Center Bellman Brown Bag Series in Spearfish
The Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) Artist-in-Residence (AiR) program provides opportunities for artists to create work inspired by SURF’s unique science, location and history. At 4,850 feet deep, SURF is the deepest underground laboratory in the United States and is located in the former Homestake Gold Mine. The facility houses experiments in physics, biology, geology, and engineering. The SURF AiR program leverages the unique characteristics of SURF and the science experiments it hosts to create awareness and encourage interdisciplinary work. This residency is modeled after various programs offered by government, science and industry including the National Park Service, CERN, and Fermilab.
As we carry-on through the lunch hour we hope you enjoy a comfortable seat at our table and the splendor of your surroundings. We welcome you to invite friends, family, and even that crazy co-worker to try something new at noon!