
Facility Advisory Committee

FAC reviews SURF infrastructure and the operations and maintenance programs as executed by the SDSTA.

Purpose of the FAC

The Facility Advisory Committee (FAC) reviews and evaluates the condition of the Sanford Underground Research Facility’s infrastructure and the operations and maintenance programs as executed by the South Dakota Science and Technology Authority (SDSTA). 

Roles and Responsibilities

The committee makes recommendations to improve the safety, quality, and efficiency of operations, maintenance, and infrastructure improvement programs. For SURF to meet future requirements for the accommodation of new science experiments, the committee also makes recommendations to upgrade and expand the facility.  

  • Reviews and evaluates SURF’s infrastructure, maintenance and operations programs
  • Ensures the quality, safety, and efficiency of infrastructure improvement programs
  • Makes recommendations to ensure SURF effectively serves science, its clients, partners and contractors, and SDSTA staff

FAC Membership

Members of the Committee include external and internal experts in engineering and related fields. 

Committee Members