20 Days of Gratitude

You’ve heard of “Pay it Forward,” a movement that encourages random acts of kindness that can make a huge difference in the life of a single individual? Based on that concept, Sanford Underground Research Facility introduces “20 Days of Gratitude,” a health and wellness challenge that brings mental health awareness to the forefront. The challenge was designed by Sanford Lab team members Michelle Andresen, safety coordinator and Laura Baatz, occupational nurse.

"The ESH team is always promoting wellbeing, often focusing on physical health and safety," said  Baatz. "The goal of this wellness challenge is to encourage our staff to recognize the goodness we see in people, whatever that may look like. This program gives us the opportunity to be the reason someone smiles today!"

20 Days of Gratitude encourages SURF employees to submit kudos or "random acts of recognition" to a co-worker through a link. Once submitted, the person will be notified. Those submitting comments, can identify themselves or choose to remain anonymous.

One example of how this works is a recent submission from an anonymous source to Dan Regan. 

"I appreciate you giving a hundred percent. You come on site and help all the time. Day or night, weekends or holidays!"—Anonymous

Submissions are not limited, so people can submit as many gratitude messages as they would like.

“I’d like to thank Michelle and Laura for setting up this unique challenge to recognize our fellow co-workers for their hard work in making SURF a success,” said Mike Headley, executive director of Sanford Lab, in a company-wide email. “It’s a hectic time for us and will continue to be into the future as we grow the lab and support our experiments. Even though we’re busy, it’s really important to take time to recognize our fellow co-workers and say, ‘thank you.’”

Headley encouraged staff members to participate in this challenge, saying it could really make a difference in someone’s life and boost morale.

For more information or to get the link to 20 Days of Gratitude, contact Michelle Andresen at mandresen@sanfordlab.org

The Sanford Underground Research Facility and the Environment, Safety and Health Department promote health and safety in the workplace, as well as healthy living and wellness for all employees. If you have questions about health and wellness, please contact our occupational health nurse, Laura Baatz, who is onsite daily at lbaatz@sanfordlab.org.