20 Days of Gratitude continues at Sanford Lab

With 92 gratitude messages and counting, the Sanford Lab gratitude initiative recognizes and applauds employee efforts.

It’s day 14 of the “20 Days of Gratitude Challenge” at Sanford Underground Research Facility (Sanford Lab). “We’ve had 92 submissions to date,” said Michelle Andresen, safety coordinator at Sanford Lab, "and the response so far has been heart-warming.”

20 Days of Gratitude is a health and wellness initiative that brings mental health awareness to the forefront, encouraging Sanford Lab employees to submit kudos or "random acts of recognition" to a co-worker through a link. Once submitted, the recipient will be notified. Those submitting comments can identify themselves or choose to remain anonymous.

Here are a few of the submissions so far:

“I would like to lend out my deepest gratitude to the SDSTA staff for making me feel welcome as I start my new adventure with SDSTA. The SDSTA staff have went out of their way to help me fit in and become a wonderful part of this team. I am truly blessed.” — submitted by Pamela


"I appreciate you giving a hundred percent. You come on site and help all the time. Day or night, weekends or holidays!" —Anonymously sent to Dan


"Thank you for always having my back when it comes to safety and anything else! You rock, and I appreciate you!" — from Robyn to Roger


"I am grateful to work with such a top notch nurse. You truly have a gift and I am thankful to have gotten the chance to experience it. Thanks for being a GREAT co-worker and a GREAT friend." — from Julie to Laura


"Thanks for always being willing to assist me with projects, especially data entry! It is a huge time saver when you lighten my workload. I wanted you to know how much I appreciate your willingness to assist! You are a special asset to SURF and a SUPERB first impression at the front desk!" — from Michelle to Amelia

Just six days remain to submit a gratitude message. Submissions are not limited, so people can submit as many gratitude messages as they would like. For more information or to get the link to 20 Days of Gratitude, contact Michelle Andresen at mandresen@sanfordlab.org

The Sanford Underground Research Facility and the Environment, Safety and Health Department promote health and safety in the workplace, as well as healthy living and wellness for all employees. If you have questions about health and wellness, please contact our occupational health nurse, Laura Baatz, who is onsite daily at lbaatz@sanfordlab.org.