Bauer recognized for exemplary safety performance

Ross Hoist operator recognized with annual Safety Performance Award by ESH.

Kelly Bauer, Ross Hoist operator, was recognized as the Overall Winner for August 2017 to July 2018 by the Environment, Safety and Health (ESH) department’s Safety Performance Program.

In January 2018, Bauer was running the Ross Cage Hoist when the work deck stuck momentarily during the lowering of the deck. Bauer heard and observed the rope bounce as the deck stuck. In response, he stopped the cage in a manner that lessened the severity of the forces placed on the shaft crew, who were located on the work deck.

“Kelly’s quick reaction time prevented possible injuries to the crew and damage to the hoists,” said Gary Larson, Facilities Maintenance foreman. “He understood what to do and did a great job.”

Sanford Underground Research Facility's (Sanford Lab) Safety Performance Awards are built to recognize employees who go over and above their normal duties.  Although safety is everyone’s duty, many employees at Sanford Lab demonstrate above and beyond examples of the safety culture the ESH hopes to cultivate.

"Safety success depends on more than just a well-designed workplace and state-of-the-art engineering controls. Employee behavior and motivation are key factors and should be recognized," said Julie Ewing, safety and health superintendent. "I believe safety awards recognition keeps safety in everyone’s mind. A successful organization illustrates employees' involvement in their own safety and in the safety of their co-workers—the individuals receiving these awards proved just that."