Davis Campus heard round the world

Media joined us for the dedication of the Davis Campus on May 3, and coverage has reached around the world, both through the Associated Press and the BBC. Here are some links to stories about the dedication, plus some other relatedl links:

May. 31: New digs! by Wendy Pitlick, Black Hills Pioneer??

May. 31: Underground science lab dedicated deep in the Black Hills by Paul Preuss, Symmetry Magazine??

May. 31: Davis Campus dedication moves Sanford underground laboratory forward in science by Kevin Woster Journal Staff, Rapid City Journal??

May. 30: Sanford Underground lab opens with VIP tour by KOTA, KOTA Territory??

May. 30: Governor confident in future of Sanford Lab by Wendy Pitlick, Black Hills Pioneer??

May. 30: Scientists search for dark matter in US gold mine by Matt Danzico, BBC??

May. 30: New underground lab turns S. Dakota gold town into scientific hub in search for ?dark matter? by Associated Press, Washington Post??

May. 25: MAJORANA, the search for the most elusive neutrino of all by Paul Preuss, Phys.org??

May. 25: Searching for dark Matter by David Orenstein, Phys.org??

May. 24: Deep underground, LUX lies in wait for WIMPs by Paul Preuss, R&D Magazine??

May. 23: Lying in wait for WIMPs: Researchers seek to dramatically increase sensitivity of Large Underground Xenon detector by , Physic.org??

May. 21: American Physics Dreams Deferred by Dennis Overbye, The New York Times??

May. 18: Science Underground: Going to Great Depths by , Lab Manager Magazine

Apr. 01: Dark-matter search goes deep underground in South Dakota by Bill Harlan, Symmetry Magazine??

Mar. 28: Moving day for experiment examining whether neutrinos are their own antiparticles by Bill Harlan, Deep Thoughts