Jason Crusan

As Director for the Advanced Exploration Systems (AES) Division with the Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate (HEOMD) at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Jason Crusan is the senior executive, manager, principle advisor and advocate on technology and innovation approaches leading to new flight and system capabilities for human exploration. He manages 500-600 Civil Servants with an active portfolio of 20-30 engineering and design projects.  He leads integration with the Space Technology Mission Directorate and the other HEOMD programs such as the International Space Station and the Exploration System Division Programs.

Using an integrated approach that leverages public-private partnerships, industry, international partners, and academia, Mr. Crusan leads AES across all NASA Centers, developing and maintaining critical human spaceflight capabilities; maturing new integrated systems, instruments, and ground systems; and delivering critical multi-million dollar flight hardware for NASA. He provides the executive management and leadership needed to develop the right technology development strategies, system acquisition strategies, contracting mechanisms, joint investment models and partnerships?in short, he develops the innovative approaches needed to maximize NASA?s access to new technologies and capabilities for human spaceflight.

Crusan has held multiple titles at NASA since 2005, from Chief Technologist for Space Operations to Program Executive and project manager on various technical and management initiatives. He was part of the Mini-RF (Miniature Radio Frequency) Program, which flew two radar instruments to the moon to map the lunar poles, search for water ice, and demonstrate future NASA communication technologies.  Currently he also serves as the Director of the Center of Excellence for Collaborative Innovation formed to advance the utilization of open innovation methodologies within the U.S. government.

Crusan holds Bachelor?s Degrees in Electrical Engineering and Physics, a Master?s in Computer Information Systems, and is currently a candidate for a Ph.D. in Engineering Management at George Washington University. Mr. Crusan is married and has two children.

[Credit: http://www.nasa.gov/directorates/heo/aes/jason-crusan]