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Neutrino Day is happening now! 

Sanford Lab's first-ever virtual, week-long Neutrino Day celebration is now LIVE

Sanford Lab's first-ever virtual, week-long Neutrino Day celebration is now live. Speakers, live chats with scientists, hands-on activities, Native American games, Science Steve, contests and facility tours—everything you’ve come to love about Neutrino Day will be available via our online Neutrino Day hub. 

Here’s how to join the fun during Neutrino Day: A Matter Mystery, July 6-11.

Your introduction to Neutrino Day

We went live yesterday to help you navigate our first-ever live event. Watch this introduction to meet the faces behind Neutrino Day and learn how to navigate our virtual Neutrino Day hub. 

Watch the Neutrino Day introduction.

Making the most of your experience

For Pre-K–12 students, Neutrino Day is a great opportunity to build on innate curiosity, connect with the scientific community, and learn more about their future field of study. Students are encouraged to download an Investigator Notebook, which will act as their guide throughout the week, then complete the notebook to enter to win a Neutrino Day Prize pack, unlock the Future Scientist certificate and take the Future Scientist pledge. 

Visit our agenda, which is easily searchable by age level, interest area and type of activity.

Don’t miss these Neutrino Day highlights!

We have nearly 40 different activities for you to take part in this week. Here’s a few you won’t want to miss.

A Matter Mystery Series

Tuesday through Friday, science comedian Brian Malow will host conversations with researchers from around the world investigating some of the universe’s biggest matter mysteries. They will discuss everything from the Big Bang to the end of the universe, and quite a bit in between. Tune in to these conversations live at 10 a.m. MST to ask questions or catch the recorded talks later in the week.

Education & Outreach Live Hands-on Activities

Moments of hands-on discovery are the highlight of Neutrino Day. And this year, we are bringing that same sense of discovery to your living room. Our first-ever virtual event will offer dozens of activities for curious minds of all ages. Activities include demonstrations from perennial favorite Science Steve, hands-on science activities with materials found around your home, virtual tours of underground science labs and Q&As with scientists.

Artist-In-Residence Virtual Art Exhibit Reception with Gina Gibson

Gina Gibson, a multimedia artist and professor at Black Hills State University, has spent a year as the Sanford Underground Research Facility’s first-ever Artist-in-Residence. Join a Virtual Art Exhibit Reception on Tuesday, July 7 at 6 p.m. MST to meet the artist and talk about the exhibit. Then, visit the online-only exhibition “SEEKING the UNSEEN” for a short-term engagement, July 7-21.

Native American Games and Culture with Jeremy Red Eagle

Celebrate our region's rich heritage by learning traditional Dakota and Ojibwe games with Jeremy Red Eagle, Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate.

Brian Malow Stand-Up Special: Just Add Gravity!

After a full week of interviewing scientists about some of the largest mysteries in our universe, it's time for some laughs at our Neutrino Day finale with Earth’s premiere science comedian Brian Malow!