Denis Flemming.

Denis Flemming.

Photo by Nick Hubbard, Sanford Underground Research Facility

QA/QC department grows with new projects

New staff member looks forward to working in unique facility

With the creation of the Quality Assurance Quality Control division (QA/QC) at Sanford Underground Research Facility (Sanford Lab) five months ago, Sanford Lab has pledged an even greater commitment to quality assurance best practices to ensure all work is done safely and reliably.

The division, part of the Environmental, Safety and Health, and Quality Assurance Department (ESHQ), has grown in expertise with the recent hiring of a quality control specialist, Denis Flemming. 

“With all the projects going on, we are glad to add Denis to our team,” said Scott Meyers, quality assurance manager. 

In this position, Flemming will contribute to the development of the QA/QC program.More than simply minimizing safety incidents, the QA/QC team enhances work process improvement, employee involvement and engagement, tools placement and overall best practices in work areas. The program develops best practices and controls for infrastructure, science and construction at Sanford Lab. This includes working with partners and contractors.

After receiving his Bachelor of Science degree in Manufacturing Engineering Technology and a Master’s in Industrial Management from South Dakota State University, Flemming went on to gain 14 years’ experience in QA/QC roles.

“I’ve worked heavily with ISO documentation and systems in manufacturing engineering, agriculture, construction and heavy equipment industries.”

Flemming’s experience will be significant as Sanford Lab works toward becoming ISO-certified—adhering to quality standards set by the International Organization for Standardization. The team plans to kick off ISO programming in September 2019. 

“I’ve done ISO certification for two different companies in the fabricator and agricultural industry,” Flemming said. “I also worked in aluminum dye casting for four years, dealing with a lot of automotive on the quality side and manufacturing on the other.”

Flemming said his main attraction to the QC position was the facility itself. “Sanford Lab is something that people recognize—it’s groundbreaking. I'm looking forward to working in the underground environment, as well. In this position, you're not doing the same thing day after day after day. It's always something different.” 

He was also drawn to the Black Hills. “I’d love to work in the hills until I retire,” said Flemming, who grew up in Florence, South Dakota—on the Eastern side of the state.

“Denis has been a great addition to the team—we're all excited to have him on board,” Meyers said. “The expectations are very high, but he's up for the challenge.”

“From a QA/QC perspective, this facility is a very precise environment. We work to meet deadlines, but best practices and safety are always the priority,” Flemming added.