Safety at Sanford Lab: Staff and researchers provide valuable input

The ESH Department’s 2018 Safety and Support Perception Survey to be distributed to all researchers and employees.

The Environment, Safety and Health (ESH) Department’s annual Safety and Support Perception Survey will be distributed to all researchers and SDSTA employees this week. 

"As we enter the new year, it’s important that we look back on our successes from 2018," said Larry Jaudon, ESH director. "The SDSTA team achieved remarkable improvements in lowering our total number of injuries and their overall severity, correcting safety issues, upgrading employee training and much more. It was through the teamwork of the entire SDSTA organization that we’ve made Sanford Lab a safer place to work."

One of the mechanisms that used to gather employee thoughts and concerns is the Safety and Support Perception Survey, Jaudon explained. The survey will be distributed to all employees and researchers through email. Employees can also request a paper copy from their supervisor. Online surveys are submitted through JotForm, and paper copies can be returned to supervisors or dropped off in a marked box in the Administration Building reception area.  

Participants can expect the survey will be largely similar to last year’s survey, with roughly 58 statements to respond to on a scale and 4 questions to answer freeform. By maintaining the same survey questions, ESH is able to complete a year-to-year comparison of data. 

All surveys must be submitted by Friday, February 15, at 4 p.m. The ESH Department stresses that submissions are anonymous and there are no wrong answers. 

"The thoughts and opinions of our workforce are one of the primary drivers for our yearly ESH initiatives," said Jaudon. "We need input from each employee. Please take the time to fill out the survey, as your input is instrumental in making Sanford Lab a safe and healthy workplace."