Sanford Lab's Internet2 capability demonstrated in two videos

Lead, S.D. A high-definition videoconference over the ultra-high speed Interet2  network connected 600 people in a ballroom in Virginia to the 4,850-foot level deep in the Sanford Underground Laboratory at Homestake.

Click here to see a webcast of the event, which was on April 28, 2010.

The presentation to the Internet2 Spring Meeting demonstrated the ability of the Sanford Lab to distribute data from underground experiments to researchers throughout the world at the fastest speeds possible.

The presentation included the premier of a 10-minute video about the future of research at Homestake. The video also is available on the Sanford Lab's YouTube Channel. Click here. (These videos are compressed from the original high-definition recordings.)

The Sanford Underground Laboratory also produced a 30-minute version of the video, which will air on South Dakota Public Television on July 5. Check your local listings.