first page graphics from the annual report

SURF Foundation publishes first Annual Report

Established in 2019, the SURF Foundation supports the advancement of science and education at SURF

The Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) has an ambitious goal: to advance world class science and inspire learning across generations. Established in 2019, the SURF Foundation supports that goal by building upon strong relationships within the community and opening doors for public contributions. After a full year of operation, the SURF Foundation has published its first Annual Report.

The SURF Foundation Annual Report includes a statement of financial position, an introduction to the SURF Foundation and specific examples of how donor funds positively impacted the community in 2020. You can view the full report here.

During this first year, the South Dakota Science and Technology Authority (SDSTA) and the SURF Foundation Board of Directors focused on laying the organization’s groundwork: defining the organization’s mission and values and building a donor base.

“What stands out is how much work our Board of Directors and SDSTA have done to build the SURF Foundation as a brand-new non-profit,” said Staci Miller, director of the SURF Foundation. “We have a mission statement, core values, four impact areas that the Foundation is committed to supporting. Plus, we have avenues to communicate the importance of our mission to our donors. All of this groundwork took a lot of preliminary thought and expertise.”

The SURF Foundation has four impact areas: investing in Scientists of the Future; going Beyond the Classroom, Into the Community; building the SURF Institute; and bringing these efforts together, United in One Space

“Each and every time we get a chance to focus on science and education, we win," said Kay Jorgensen, SURF Foundation board secretary and treasurer. "The SURF Foundation gives focus and direction on a broad scale to one of the greatest projects in our region and nation. It’s extraordinary what can be done when brainpower and finances meet to achieve a great vision.”

“Although the foundation is still in its developing stages, we are pleased to say that several individuals and organizations have already made significant contributions to the content and programs of SURF through the SURF Foundation,” Dana Dykhouse, SURF Foundation board chair. “We are proud to share our appreciation for all of our donors.”

In December 2020, our Donor Recognition Ceremony celebrated those individuals and organizations who gave generously to the SURF Foundation in it's first year. 


During the SURF Foundation's 2020 Donor Recognition Ceremony, Dana Dykhouse recognized and thanked major donors. 


“We invite the science community, the education community—anyone who is passionate about the impact areas of the SURF Foundation—to a partner with us,” Miller said.

The SURF Foundation invites support for the advancement of underground science and its global impacts. To learn more or make a donation, visit the SURF Foundation website.

Sanford Lab is operated by the South Dakota Science and Technology Authority (SDSTA) with funding from the Department of Energy. Our mission is to advance world class science and inspire learning across generations. Established in 2019, the SURF Foundation supports that mission by building upon strong relationships within the community and opening doors for public contributions. Visit Sanford Lab at