The Vitalant vehicle in the SURF parking lot during the blood drive.

The Vitalant vehicle in the SURF parking lot during the blood drive. 

Photo by Matthew Kapust

SURF hosts blood drive during nationwide blood shortage

Through donations from dozens of employees, as well as family members and SURF partners, the campaign exceeded its goal

This August, the Environment, Safety and Health Department (ESH) at Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) hosted an onsite blood drive. Through donations from more than two dozen employees, as well as family members and SURF partners, the campaign goal exceeded its goal.

“The blood drive was a huge success! Our goal was to collect 27 units and we ended the day with 28,” said Laura Baatz, occupational health nurse at SURF.

The blood drive came shortly after the American Red Cross reported a severe blood supply shortage nationwide. For this initiative, SURF partnered with Vitalant, one of the nation’s oldest and largest nonprofit community blood service providers.

"Blood usage by patients has increased as people seek medical care they put off during the height of the pandemic and as people resume activities that can lead to more traumas,” said Jennifer Ash, donor recruitment representative for Vitalant. 

Eighty percent of the population will need a blood transfusion in their lifetime; however, while 60 percent of the population is eligible to donate, less than 10 percent actually donate. “Every two seconds, a patient in the U.S. needs a transfusion," said Ash. "As you can see, the need is real and never ending. Thank you for partnering to save lives." 

“We would like to thank everyone who donated and the team at Vitalant for making this blood drive successful,” said Baatz. The team plans to host another blood drive in March 2022.

To learn more about how you can give blood or to schedule a donation, visit Vitalant’s online portal.

The Environmental, Safety and Health, Department at Sanford Underground Research Facility promotes health and safety in the workplace, as well as healthy living and wellness for all employees. If you have questions about health and wellness, please contact our occupational health nurse, Laura Baatz, who is onsite daily at