Tank rising, beams placed, painting progressing

Progress continued last week in all three areas of the Davis Campus on the 4850 Level.

In the Davis Cavern, assembly of the stainless steel water tank that will hold the LUX dark-matter detector was nearly complete. Fabricators welded together four of the five rows of curved steel plates used to construct the tank. Project Engineer Rick Labahn expects the tank to be fully assembled and welded by the end of the first week in January. Also in the Davis Cavern, Ainsworth Benning Construction had positioned the six largest structural steel beams that will support the second floor of the LUX laboratory.

In the Transition Area, painters have begun a job that will take months. First, they?re applying a material called ?block filler? to fill holes in block walls. Next comes a layer of primer, followed by paint?in some areas many coats of paint.

In the chiller cutout?which will house infrastructure such as (obviously) chillers, a transformer and a generator?masons are constructing block walls.