
Wendy Straub poses outside at SURF with the Yates Headframe and snow covered hills in the background.

Wendy Straub named new Chief Operating Officer at SURF

Straub will oversee all surface and underground operations at SURF, the hoists and shafts, underground laboratory spaces, buildings, infrastructure, and the complex network of tunnels that make up America’s Underground Lab.

The Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) is a unique laboratory in that it’s not associated with an active mine. Many of the world’s underground research labs are run alongside mining companies. The company controls the access and complex infrastructure needed to maintain a facility deep below ground. 

At SURF, all operations are run by the South Dakota Science and Technology Authority (SDSTA)—rather than a separate mining company. This provides huge advantages in supporting experiments, ensuring excellence in safety and environmental stewardship, and maximizing flexibility for expansion and growth. 

Managing a sprawling world-class facility like SURF requires a unique skillset, and there is no one on the planet better suited for the job than Wendy Straub. 

Straub has been appointed Chief Operating Officer (COO) at SURF. She is an experienced mining engineer who brings decades of expertise in underground operations to this new leadership role.

Straub first joined SURF in its early days as a research laboratory, playing a pivotal role in developing the underground infrastructure. She was integral to the excavation and outfitting of key research areas, including the Davis Campus, and she contributed to innovative solutions for moving heavy equipment underground. Her background in mining engineering has been invaluable in transforming the former Homestake Gold Mine into the world-class research facility it is today.

"I'm very much a hands-on person and an operations person," Straub said. "I’m ready to take on some new challenges on the business side of things. It’s definitely a different role for me, and I was looking to grow outside of what I’ve been doing and add some other talents to my portfolio."

That portfolio is deep, and it includes a stint managing a large mining operation in Wyoming following her work at SURF in the early years.  Straub returned to SURF in 2021, read more about that here, to become the Director of Hoists and Shafts. In her new role as COO, Straub will oversee the facility’s daily operations, ensuring the seamless integration of scientific research and engineering.

“Wendy’s incredible skillset, that includes her understanding of the big picture needs and the intricate details of every aspect of SURF’s operations, make her an outstanding asset to this facility and to our mission. We have a bright future at SURF thanks to the knowledge and dedication of Wendy and the entire operations team,” said Mike Headley, SDSTA Executive Director and the SURF laboratory director.   

Straub will also play a crucial role in supporting the construction and operation of the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) and Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), as well as exploring potential future excavations for new scientific experiments.

"I’m most excited about helping LBNF/DUNE become successful in the build-out, the moving, and then the operations of the science experiment," she said. "I’m also excited about the potential for new science and growth at SURF."

Straub will work closely with the SURF leadership team to further develop the laboratory and to pursue new funding opportunities. She is also committed to raising awareness of SURF’s mission. "I think I can help really promote what we’re doing here from a different perspective and potentially draft some new customers for us," she said.

She has been a driving force in workforce development, ensuring that knowledge from experienced miners is passed on to the next generation of SURF employees.

"We require mining-type jobs, we require that kind of skill for our systems and underground footprint," Straub said. "I think a lot of our success comes from the types of people we have here in operations—from the former Homestake miners to the current staff, they all know this place, they care about this place, and they want to see it succeed."

Straub is a strong advocate for the dedicated and skilled workforce being developed as SURF grows. She acknowledges the hard work of the staff that keeps the facility running smoothly and safely. "It really is an incredible team," she said. "You don’t get that way overnight—you learn and grow together. The level of commitment and problem-solving ability of the people here is second to none, and I feel incredibly fortunate to work alongside them."

Straub stresses that the past successes and future potential at SURF hinges on the people. 

“The operations team includes an amazing list of problem solvers,” she said. “The ingenuity, the engineering mindset and skillset, of the people here. They want to make it work, and they figure out how to get it done. I account a lot of our success to the types of people that we have here in operations.”

Straub’s own career and success at SURF is strong evidence of this can-do attitude. There is no doubt that managing the complexities of American’s Underground Lab comes with ample challenges—Straub’s new role as COO, and the incredible team she leads, will keep the facility in good hands for many years to come. 

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