Deb Wolf, director of Education and Outreach at Sanford Lab, explains properties of light to students as they don defraction glasses.

Deb Wolf, director of Education and Outreach at Sanford Lab, explains properties of light to students as they don defraction glasses.

Photo by Constance Walter

Wowing students with science

Deb Wolf's recent presentations brought Sanford Lab science to elementary and high school classrooms.

“Wow! I see a rainbow!” “Me too!” “That is so cool!” The children at the Harrisburg Horizon Elementary School STEM Festival stared with amazement as they looked at ceiling lights through diffraction glasses. 

Deb Wolf smiled as she witnessed the scene over and over again with each new group of students. Wolf, the director of the Education and Outreach Department, then introduced students to the light properties of different gases—neon, xenon and boron, all gases used in experiments at Sanford Lab. It’s one way students can learn about dark matter and how scientists explore the unseen.

On the recent trip to Sioux Falls, Wolf also visited New Technology High School and Lincoln High School where she did hands-on presentations about geothermal energy, careers and the importance of environmental responsibility. 

“We were able to connect with students through the wonder of science…whether 5 or 17, the students were curious and engaged,” said Wolf. “It was a great two days!”