Dana Dykhouse
Vice Chairperson SDSTA Board of Directors and SURF Foundation Board (Emeritus) Member Appointed Date: Sioux Falls, SD
Dana Dykhouse is President and Chief Executive Officer of First PREMIER Bank in Sioux Falls. He has over 24 years of banking experience. He also serves in leadership positions in numerous local and state organizations, including Chairman of Junior Achievement of South Falls, Chairman of the Sioux Empire United Way 2006-2007 Campaign, Chairman of South Dakota State University Athletic Champions Council and Co-Chair of the Forward Sioux Falls. In 2008, Gov. Mike Rounds appointed Dana Dykhouse, Sioux Falls, as a board member to the South Dakota Science and Technology Authority (SDSTA).
Gov. Rounds said he chose Dykhouse for the SDSTA Board of Directors because of his management expertise. "Dana’s experience in business management and development will be a great asset to the SDSTA," he said.
Dykhouse fills the position previously held by Steven Zellmer of Rapid City.