Francis "Frank" Kornegay

SURF Strategic Advisory Committee

Francis C. "Frank" Kornegay is a recognized expert in the area of construction and operational safety at large Research and Development facilities. From 1998 until his retirement in 2012, he has been involved in the design, construction, commissioning, and operation of the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS), a $1.4 B world-class neutron research facility at the Oak Ridge National laboratory. He was responsible for developing the permitting and regulatory compliance strategy for the facility, dealing with NEPA, all environmental permits, Nuclear Safety for a potential candidate Category 2 facility, and the Accelerator Safety Order. He was responsible for developing the Conduct of Operations strategy for the SNS. 

Kornegay served as a member or as a lead on the\ ESH&Q subcommittee for approximately 40 Project Reviews of DOE activities; been involved in design reviews, construction safety oversight, regulatory strategy development, readiness reviews, and operational reviews and evaluations for major R&D and support facilities for the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation; as well as other government and private facilities. He serves as an advisor to the University of Chicago, Michigan State University, Brookhaven National Laboratory, SLAC, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and the European Spallation Source. Kornegay has also been involved in accident and incident investigations at other National Laboratories, government facilities, and large environmental releases across the nation. 

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