Sanford Lab invites community to “Deep Talks: Water we learning?”

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a graphic of the effluent


LEAD, SD— Jump into a virtual classroom with Sanford Underground Research Facility’s (Sanford Lab) Education and Outreach (E&O) team. On Thursday, Jan. 14 from 6 to 7 p.m. MST, join our team of educators for an interactive lesson and demonstration of virtual learning techniques.

Complete with a 3D field trip to Sanford Lab, “Deep Talks: Water we learning?” will focus on water systems, environmental stewardship and how everything and everyone is an interconnected part of a watershed.

In early 2020, the E&O team began curiously toying with the quirks of remote learning. After months of trial and error (think: the pitfalls of the mute button and the dread of unstable internet connections), they’ve become screen-sharing champions and masters of the Zoom breakout room. 

These new skills were necessary to reach students and support educators across the state. The team used 3D virtual tours to invite students to Sanford Lab and tailored activities to virtual formats. This summer, the E&O team also created a virtual approach to their teacher professional development (PD) programs. They hosted seven multi-day PD programs, building professional relationships between nearly 250 teachers.

“Last year was incredibly challenging for educators, and our team has been working to support teachers as they navigate educating kids in the midst of a pandemic,” said Deb Wolf, director of E&O at Sanford Lab.

From virtual expeditions to subterranean labs to black holes, the E&O team transformed Sanford Lab’s approach to STEM education and outreach through Zoom. Now, this team of educators wants you to “hop on the call.” 

“We’d love to have you join us as our team shares how we have adapted our work this past year and some of the lessons we’ve learned,” Wolf said. “Especially if you haven’t experienced remote learning before, come join us! It’s actually quite fun!”

This event is part of Sanford Lab’s Deep Talks lecture series, a monthly series ushering scientific discussions into the public sphere. In the 2020-2021 season, Deep Talks will bring voices from the international scientific community to your home through our virtual format. Attendees can join these events via Zoom webinar to answer polls and submit questions for speakers or watch live on Sanford Lab's Facebook page. Webinar space is limited, and early registration is encouraged.

The Deep Talks lecture series is sponsored by Crow Peak Brewing Company, RCS Construction, Northern Hills Federal Credit Union and Chuck and Jolene Lichtenwalner. 

View full event information and register for the Zoom webinar on Sanford Lab’s website.

The Education and Outreach program is a collaborative venture between Sanford Lab and Black Hills State University. Our goal is to use the excitement and promise of deep underground science and engineering to inspire and engage students, educators and the wider community through a variety of programming. Learn more at

Sanford Lab is operated by the South Dakota Science and Technology Authority (SDSTA) with funding from the Department of Energy. Our mission is to advance compelling underground, multidisciplinary research in a safe work environment and to inspire and educate through science, technology, and engineering. Visit Sanford Lab at

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