SURF invites the public to “Deep Talks: A Love/Heat Relationship”

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Graphic by Adam Gomez
Graphic by Adam Gomez


LEAD, SD— Join Sanford Underground Research Facility’s (SURF) Education & Outreach (E&O) team to explore the science behind the dynamic nature of heat at “Deep Talks: A Love/Heat Relationship.” This virtual event will be streamed on Thursday, Feb. 10, from 6 to 7 p.m. MST.

SURF’s team of educators uses the excitement and promise of deep underground science and engineering to inspire and engage students. At February’s Deep Talks, you’ll learn about the basics of thermodynamics the same way our students do—with curiosity-led investigation.

“Our team has been brainstorming great ways to create an engaging and hands-on experience for all participants to connect science to their everyday lives at Deep Talks. We are so excited for people to join us, be curious, and figure some things out during our time together,” said Nicol Reiner, director of E&O.

At this event, you’ll consider how what you feel might influence what you think. You may also discover how our understanding of heat helps us solve real-world problems.

To get the most out of the event—and to try out the team’s demonstrations for yourself—collect a few items from around the house: a cutting board, a metal pan or tray and a few ice cubes.

Attendees can join this free event through Zoom webinar to answer polls and submit questions for speakers or watch live on SURF’s Facebook page. Webinar space is limited; early registration is encouraged.

View full event information and register for the Zoom webinar on SURF’s website.

This event is part of SURF’s Deep Talks lecture series, a monthly series ushering scientific discussions into the public sphere. In the 2021-2022 season, Deep Talks will bring voices from the international scientific community to your home through our virtual format. The Deep Talks lecture series is sponsored by Chuck and Jolene Lichtenwalner, Crow Peak Brewing Company, RCS Construction and Northern Hills Federal Credit Union. 

The Education and Outreach program is a collaborative venture between SURF and Black Hills State University.

Dakota Science and Technology Authority (SDSTA) with funding from the Department of Energy’s Office of Science. Our mission is to advance world class science and inspire learning across generations. Visit SURF at

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